S-T-A-C-Y Here is my story on this whole site. My brother and his friends had a truck club that they had started, Balz Out Off Road. From my eyes, they all go out , cover their trucks in mud, break just about everything and replace it, and call it good. They get a "sticker". Kinda ironic after their wallets are empty, but that is the way it works. I however am not in the club... not going to take out the Honda!! I have come into the picture because, well... I think I have the brains! ;) They may argue otherwise. I had taken a class in school on how to build a web page. The site I made for my class turned out to be pretty cool, and they had talked about doing a site themselves. Well... being the WONDERFUL sister that I am, I have worked on the site for these guys for FREE, yes, FREE. So I am for hire if someone else comes along and thinks this site is Bad Ass and they want one of their own!! :) Back to the story... we try and update this site once a week. Usually updates are made on Sunday night, so it is best to check on Monday mornings!! Though, as of recently, it has taken me much longer to get things done on this site, and of course I have complianers because of this. I just have to remind them that I do this for FREE!!!! If you have any comments or suggestions, please email me and let me know what you think. Sorry if we offend you, go here if we do! Thanks!! |
Other Sites I have done: